


英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇七年级期中必考英语题



1. What time__ _______ his father_________(d o) the work?

2. He _________(get) up at five o’clock.

3.__________ you _________(brush) your teeth every morning.

4. What ________ ( do ) he usually ________( do ) after school?

5. Tom ________ ( study ) English, Chinese, Maths, Sci ence and Art at school.

6. Kitty sometimes __________(go) to the park with his sister.

7. At eight at night, she __________( watch ) TV with her parents.

8. ________ Mike________( read ) English every day?

9. How many lessons________ your classmates______( have ) on Monday?

10. We often___________ ( play ) football in the playground.

二. 选择

( ) 1. _____ you have a book?

A. Do B. Are C. Is D. Have

( )2. They _________ on a farm.

A. working B. is work C. wo rk D. is worked

( ) 3. Does Peter like to watch TV?


A. Yes, he like B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he’d like D. No, he likes

( )4. She doesn’t __________ her homework in the afternoon.

A. doing B. to do C. does D. do

( )5. How ____________ Mr. Brown ___________ to America?

A. do, go B. is, go C. does, go D . does, goes【七年级英语期中试卷及答案】

( )6. Where’s my camera? I____________ it.

A. am not finding B. am not seein g C. can’t find D. can’t look at

( )7. How ___________ he go to work?

He ___________ to work by bike.

A. does ;go B. do; goes C. do ;go D. does; goes

( )8. ______ you usually late for school?

No, _____________.

A. Do ; I am B. Does ;not C. Are ; I’m not D. Are ; I aren’t

( )9. _____ she _____ home at six every day?

A. Is , leave B. Does , leave C. Is , leaves D. Does , left

( )10. Mr. Yang ____________ English this term.

A. te aches our B. teaches us C. teachs us D. teach our


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