


—Yes.Bill likes playing    volleyball.   volleyball is his.

A.the;a;/ B./;the;/ C./;the;The D.a;/;The

20.—Excuse    .Is this    book?


A.me;my B.I;your C.me;your D.I;my

21.—Does Bob have vegetables for dinner?

—   .But his sister has some carrots.

A.Yes,he has B.No,he hasn’t

C.Yes,he does D.No,he doesn’t

22.—Let’s play volleyball.

—   .【七年级英语期中试卷及答案】

A.You’re welcome B.That sounds good

C.Yes,it’s boring D.Thank you

23.—Where    your food?

—I only have two hamburgers.They    on the table.

A.is;is B.is;are C.are;is D.are;are

24.Where’s my key?I can’t    it.

A.know B.think C.look D.find

25.—Your jacket looks nice.

—   .

A.No,thanks B.Yes,please C.It isn’t nice D.Thank you


I’m John. 26  is my room.The TV is  27  the table.The video tapes  28  in the drawer.Where are  29  pencils? They  30  on the table. 31  my pencil box?Oh, 32  in my schoolbag.Where’s my schoolbag?  33  on the table? No,it isn’t.It’s on the bed.My clock is on the dresser.My keys and ID card are  34  the drawer.I have many  35  in my bookcase.

26.A.What B.This C.These D.Those

27.A.in B.on C.under D.to

28.A.is B.are C.be D.isn’t

29.A.your B.his C.her D.my

30.A.are B.don’t C.aren’t D.isn’t

31.A.What’s B.Who’s C.Where are D.Where’s

32.A.it’s B.they’re C.it D.they

33.A.It is B.Are they C.Is it D.Is

34.A.of B.in C.next D.at

35.A.books B.book C.picture D.pen



Hello,boys and girls.My name is Linda Miller.My first name is Linda.My last name is Miller.Nice to meet you!Look!This is my ruler.It’s red.

Hi,I’m a boy.I’m Jack.My family name is Green.Look!This is my clock.It’s white and black.That is my pen.It’s blue.

Good morning!My name is Lucy King.Lucy is my first name.King is my last name.Nice to meet you!This is my jacket.It’s yellow.

36.   is a boy.

A.Linda B.Jack C.Lucy D.Mary

37.She is Linda Miller.What’s her family name?

A.Miller. B.Linda. C.Green. D.King.

38.He is    .His clock is white and black.

A.Jack Green B.Jack King C.Linda Miller D.Lucy King

39.She is Lucy.What color is her jacket?

A.It’s black and white. B.It’s yellow.

C.It’s red. D.It’s blue.



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