





( )1.I _______English books.

A. haven’t got B.haven’t got any C.don’t have got D.don’t have got any

( )2.There______any students in front of the building.

A. hasn’t B.haven’t C.isn’t D.aren’t

( )3.------_______is your father? ------He’s fotty.

A. What B.Who C.How old D.Where

( )4.What’s on ______desk?

A. boy’s B.the boy C.the boys D.the boy’s

( )5._______you _______any books? A.Do, got B.Have, got C.Are, have D.Have,

( )6.------_________? ------There’s a river.

A.How’s near the trees B.What’s near the trees

C.Which’s near the trees D.What near the tree

( )7.-----Where’s my hat? -----It’s under the desk, ______the floor.

A. in B.on C.behind D.unde r

( )8._______are all teachers. A.My family B.My families C.My home

( )9.Thanks_______your English book. A.at B.for C.in

( )10._______got a nice bike. It’s black. A.Jim have B.Jim C.Jim’s

( )11.His _______are both doctors. A.parent B.parents C.parents’

( )12.Lin Tao has got ______friends. A.an American B.American C.an America

( )13.Have you got a small family _____a big family? A.with B.or C.and

( )14._______names are Lucy and Lily.. A.Their B.They C.Theirs

( )15.There isn’t ____orange in the bottl e. A.some B.one C.any


This is our sitting room. There is a picture 1 the wall. Look at it please. It’s 2 my family. 3 man snd woman in the middle are my parents. On the left is my 4 Kate. And the boy on the right is me. You see it’s a family of 5 people.

Look! This is my room. There is a bal 6 my desk and a computer 7 the desk. My sister’s room is 8 there. You can see a 9 , too. But it’s not big. 10 are some flowers and a book on it.

( )1.A.at B.in C.on D.behind

( )2.A.a photo of B.a map of C.a photo D.a picture of

( )3.A.A B.The C.One D.There’s

( )4.A.brother B.mother C.father D.sister

( )5.A.three B.four C.five D.many

( )6.A.next to B.next to C.at front of D.next at

( )7.A.under B.on C.behind D.at

( )8.A.at B.over C.for D.in

( )9.A.ball B.compute r C.room D.desk

( )10.A.They B.There C.Them D.Here


There are four people in Jim’s family.They are Kate, Jim, their father and their mother.

Jim is Kate’s brother. He is fourteen. Kate is Jim’s sister.She is twelve.They are in the same middle school. Jim is in Class 1, Grade 3. Kate is in Claa 2, Grade 1. Ther’re good students.

The re father Mr Green is a teacher. He is thirty-nine. He teache rs English in a school near his home. Their mother is a teacher, too. But she teaches Chinese in a middle school.

Now they are all at home. Mr Green i s watching TV. Mrs Green is making cakes.Jim and Kate are do ing their homework.

( )1.How many peole are there in Jim’s family? There are ______people.

A.3 B.4 C.5 D.2

( )2.Mrs Green is a ______teacher. A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese D.maths

( )3.Jim and Kate are in ______middle school

A. the same B.different C.No. 2 D.same

( )4.Mr Green and Mrs Green work_______.

A.in a diffenent school B.in the same school

C. in a factory D.in different schools

( )5._______is watching TV now. A.Mr Green B.Mrs Green C.Jim D.Kate and Jim


Dear Anna,

Thanks for the photo of your family.It’s very great. I like it very much.Here is my family photo. Th ese are my grandparents, and these are my father and mother. I am their daughter.Liik at the boy.He is my cousin. His mane is Bob. This is a happy family.

Your friend



1.How many woman are there under the tree? 2.Can you go there and me?

3.Let’s go and have a lo ok the house. 4.Can you help I get the ball?

5.There have many birds in the tree.


1. 你有一个大家庭还是一个小家庭?


3.------他有叔叔吗? -------没有。




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