


随着中国逐渐走进国际化,使用英语的范围也越来越广,现在在日常的生活中许多地方都用得到英语。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇七年级上册英语Unit1至4单元测试卷



1.you(宾格)________ 2. us(主格)________ 3.where is(缩写形式)________

4.him(主格)________ 5.she(形容词性物主代词)________ 6.this(复数形式) ________

7.请求,恳求(翻译) ________________ 8.中学生(翻译) ________________

9.名(翻译) ________________ 10.字典(复数形式) ________________


( )11. —Where’s your picture? —_______the wall of my room.

A.In    B. On    C. Under    D. Between

( )12. I like to watch foot ball games ______ TV.

A. on    B . at    C. in    D. from

( )13. ______ are in the room.

A. I, you and he    B. You, I and he    C. He, you and I   D. You, he and I

( )1 4. -Where’s my soccer ball? -________ under the bed.

A. It      B. Is      C. It’s      D. Its

( )15. I’m very tidy, _______ my brother isn’t.

A. or    B. and     C. but     D. /

( )16. There is a map ______ China ______ the wall.

A. of; on    B. of; in    C. of; of     D. for; on

( )17.—What’s that in English? —____________________ a pencil case.

A. This is B. That’s C. He is D. It’s

( )18.—Is this a watch? —__________________.

A. Yes, this is B. No, i t is C. Yes, it isn’ D. No, it isn’t

( )19.___________ is the name of the boy over there??

A.What B.Who? C.How D.Where?

( ) 20.---Excuse me, is this your gold ring?


A. is it B. it’s C. it is D. it isn’t

( ) 21.____________ your school ID card?

A. This is B. Is this C. Am I D. Are it ( ) 22.---Is that ____________ E nglish di ctionary? --- No, it’s ________ Chinese one.

A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a ( ) 23. --How do you spell ring? --________.

A. It's a ring B. r-i-N-g C. R-I-N-G D. a ring

( ) 24. _____ my book. ____ your book.

A. This is , That’s B. This’s , That’s C. This is , It’s D. This’s , That is

( ) 2 5.Please ____ Mary ____ 687-8068.

A. give, at B. call, to C. call, at D. telephone, for

( ) 26. ---Is this your watch _______ the Lost and Found case, Jack?


A. at , it’s B. in , it is C. in , this is D. for, this’s

( ) 27.--Is this your er aser?? --No, it isn't. I think ___________. ?

A. it her eraser? B. its her eraser C. it's her eraser D.it’s him eraser

( ) 28.--- __________. Is this your mobile phone? --- Ah, yes, it’s my phone.

A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Hello D. Hi

( ) 29.-Is this ________ computer game? -Yes, _______ is _______ compu ter game.

A. his; it, me B . your; this, his C. your; it, my D. y ou; it, my

( ) 30.Thanks________your birthday presents.

A.for B.of C .from D.to


This is____1____bedroom. It’s a nice room. You can see a bed, two____2____, a chair and a baseball on the floor. What____3____see on the wall? You can see____4____and a kite on the wall. You can also(还)see a window____5____wall. Where’s____6____light (灯)? It’s on____7____table. Some plants are on the table,____8____. Where____9____his pen cil-box and books? They’re on the oth er (另一个) table. You can see a clock____10____it. Under the chair is his baseball. It’s a nice bedroom.

( ) 1. A. Li Lei      B. of Li Lei     C. Li Lei’s     D. of Li Lei’s

( ) 2. A. tables      B. table       C. chair       D. chairs

( ) 3. A. you can      B.can you       C.can         D.you

( ) 4. A. the picture    B. picture      C. pictures      D. of picture

( ) 5. A. in the      B.in         C.on the        D.on

( ) 6. A. a         B.the         C.some         D.an

( ) 7. A. one        B. the one      C.a          D.the

( ) 8. A. to        B.too         C.and         D.or

( ) 9. A. are        B .is          C.am          D.do

( ) 10. A. in        B.at          C.under        D.on



---Is this ___________ __________________ __________________ ?

---Yes, ________ ___________. __________ _________ .


---Is that ___________ ______________ ?

---No, ___________ ___________. ________ ________ _________.


___________ ___________ __ _________ __________ the word ?


___________the teacher ___________the pencil.


1.This is my pencil.(变为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

___________ ____________ _______________ pencil?

No, it ________________.

3. that, ID card, your, ?, is (连词成句) ______________________________________________________

4. This is a ruler.(改为复数句子) _________________ these__________________ __________________?

5. My mother is fine. (就划线部分提问) ______________________________________________________


( )1.What’s in the room? A. Your baseball? I don’t know.

( ) 2. Is that Jeff? B. Yes, they are.

( ) 3. Are these your grandparents? C. No, they are in the backpack. ( ) 4.Is my pencil case in the bookcase? D. No,it’s on the desk.

( ) 5. Are the books on the sofa? E. No, it’s Jack.

( ) 6. Is the computer on the desk? F. Yes, it is.

( ) 7.Who is your friend? G. No, it’s my cousin.

( ) 8.What’s this in English? H. There are some things in it.

( ) 9. Is that boy your brother? I. Guo Peng.

( )10. Where’s my baseball? J.It’s a clock.


附件 2:独家资源交换签约学校名录(放大查看)

学校 名录参 见:h ttp://w ww.zx xk.com/wxt/list. aspx ? ClassID=3060






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