


Please call David.

Phone 291-20845.

1. Who lost a bike?

A. Betty. B. Jimmy. C. Bruce. D. David.

2. Is the ring Betty’s?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, this is. D. No, it is David’s.

3. What color is Jimmy’s new bike?

A. Green. B. White. C. Black. D. Red.

4. Who can you call for the backpack?

A. Betty. B. Jimmy. C. Bruce. D. David.

5. What is Bruce’s phone number?

A. 678-42190. B. 892-02311. C. 708-52097. D. 291-20845.


My name is Alan. I have some friends. These are my friends and their school things. Look! This is Mike. He has a new book. This is Gina and this is her dictionary. She always uses(用) it. She’s a good student. This boy is Jack. Is that his key? Yes, it is. It’s a white key. And that’s Nick. He lost his pen. It is black. Can you help him find it?


6. Alan has(有) some friends.

7. Bob has a new book.

8. This is Gina’s dictionary.

9. Jack’s key is black.

10. Nick lost his pen.


1. I _______(必须) go to school on weekdays(工作日).

2. These are _______(一些)books.

3. There is a big _______(图书馆) in my school.

4. Is this your _______(词典)?

5. Please _______(打电话) me. My phone number is 366-4455.


1. 我的学生证在书包里。

My _______ _______ _______ is in the schoolbag.

2. 这是你的尺子吗?

_______ _______ your _______?

3. 我丢了一串钥匙。

I lost _______ _______ _______ keys.

4. 打扰了。这是你的手表吗?

_______ _______. Is this your _______?

5. 你怎样拼写“ring”?

_______ _______ you _______ “ring”?



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