



( ) 1. What’s the time? a. I can swim.

( ) 2. Why do you like music? b. Under the bed.

( ) 3. What time do you go to work? c. Only one.

( ) 4. Do you have any oranges? d. At 8:30.

( ) 5. How many brothers do you have? e. Because it’s relaxing.

( ) 6. What can you do? f. P.E.

( ) 7. Where is the baseball? g. It’s seven o’clock.

( ) 8. What’s your favorite subject? h. No, I can’t.

i. Yes, I do.


1. John does his work in the afternoon. (改为否定句)

John ________ ________ his work in the afternoon.

2. We have some classes on Friday. (改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ have ________ classes on Friday?

3. He finishes the game at 9:30 on Saturday morning. (画线提问)

________ ________ does he ________ the game on Saturday morning.

4. Her favorite color is blue. (画线提问)

________ her favorite color?

5. My art teacher is Mrs Mendoza. (画线提问)

________ ________ art teacher?

6. really, art, I, interesting, think, is. (连词成句)


7. His favorite sport is volleyball. (同义句)

He ________ volleyball ________.


一. 1. seven 2. food 3. Tuesday 4. because

5. sleep 6. but

二. 1. taking a shower 2. do my homework

3. After class 4. from Monday to Friday

5. get up 6. know about

三. 1-5 B C B B C 6-10 C C B B B 11-15 C D C A B

四. g e d i c a b f

五. 1. doesn’t do 2. Do, you, any

3. What time, finish 4. What’s

5. Who’s, your 6. I think art is really interesting.

7. likes, best







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