



1. He is playing soccer now. (改为一般疑问句)

________ he ________ soccer now?

2. Mary has a lot of friends in China. (改为否定句)

Mary ________ ________ ________ friends in China.

3. Jimmy is from Canada. (同义句)

Jimmy ________ ________ Canada.

4. People play basketball at school. (画线提问)

________ ________ people ________ basketball?

5. are, of, photos, here, some, my. (连词成句)


( )1. What are you doing? a. Sure.

( )2. Where does she live? b. No, she isn’t.

( )3. What language does she speak? c. I’m reading a book.

( )4. Do you want to go to the movies? d. She speaks English.

( )5. Is Nancy doing homework? e No, I can’t.

( )6. Is that your new pen pal? f. She lives in Mexico City.

( )7. Why does he like science? g. It’s eight thirty.

( )8. What time is it? h. Because it’s interesting.

i. Yes, she is.


A: Hi! Sonia. This is your letter.

B: ________. Oh, it’s ________ my pen pal, Mike.

A: What’s in it?

B: There are some ________ in it. Look! In the first photo, he’s ________ basketball at school. In the second photo, he’s swimming at the ________.

A: How nice! What are they ________ in the next photo?

B: They’re ________ dinner.

A: And the last photo?

B: He’s ________ his sister, Gina. Gina is doing ________ homework. Mike is ________ TV.


My Busy Morning


一. 1. Japanese 2. subject 3. library

4. easy 5. camera

二. 1. comes from 2. a little 3. waiting for

4. talk about 5. writing a letter

6. TV show 7. on weekend

三. 1-5 A D D B C 6-10 D A C B C 11-15 C D B D D

四. 1. Is, playing

2. doesn’t have many

3. comes from

4. Where do, play

5.Here are some of my photos

五. c f d, a, b, I, h, g

六. Thanks, from, photos, playing, pool

doing, eating, with, her, watching

七. 略







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