1. 与...融洽相处 ____________ 2. 十五公斤香肠__________
3. 在二十年之后 ______________ 4. 仅此而已 ___________
5.为运动员们加油 _____________ 6.帮助做家庭作业__________
7.你的周末计划________________ 8. 复习功课______________
1.__________(机器) and robots will do all the heavy and different work.
2.The sun _______(升起) in the east every day.
3.They will enjoy __________(them) in the party.
4.He often _________(承诺) to help me.
5.I usually get the best _________(分数) in the match.
6. ________ a kite (放风筝) is Lucy’s hobby.
7. Whose ________(手套) are these?
8.We are going ____________(观光) on the beach. z
(四) 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)
1.In the future, maybe there _______(not be) any schools.
2.Mr Wang teaches _______(we) English. We all like _______(he).
3.Can you tell me the __________(different) between the twi ns.
4.This isn’t Lucy’s bike. ________(she) is over there.
5. We are looking forward to __________(meet) our friends.
6.Everyone in his school _________(know) him.
7.The teacher makes Tony ________(stand) in front of the classroom.
8.Not only Lucy but also her parents _________(go) to Shanghai next week.
9. A: _____the girls ______(dance) at the moment?
B: No, they aren't. They are picking up leaves.
They _____________(sing) songs this evening.
10. Bob ___________(not swim) in the pool every day.
1. Lucy 总是帮助别人。(be ready to)
2. 从今以后 请小心保管你的东西。(from now on)
3. 我希望我的梦想(dream) 会实现。
4. 我将要帮忙做家务。(help with)
5. 学生们将不再用橡皮了。(not...any more)
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