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Mark is a waiter. He doesn’t like his job. He has to work in the evenings. He sometimes has to work on weekends. He is always busy. Sometimes he has no time to eat dinner. His job is hard, and it isn’t fun. Mark likes to work, and he likes to meet people. But he doesn’t want to work in a restaurant. He wants to work in a bank. He wants to be a bank clerk.
Lisa is a nurse. She wears a white uniform. She works in a hospital. She helps doctors. She sometimes works at night. Usually she works in the day, and she gets up at six o’clock every morning. Lisa’s job is difficult and busy, but she doesn’t want to do anything else. She loves it.
( ) 51. Mark likes to work in a restaurant.
( ) 52. Mark wants to be a bank clerk.
( ) 53. Mark doesn’t need to work on weekends.
( ) 54. Lisa sometimes works late.
( ) 55. Lisa wants a different kind of job.
Look at the map. You are standing in the footprints(脚印), someone comes to you and asks the way. Can you answer his questions?
( ) 56. Which street or road am I standing on now?
A. New Street. B. Market Street. C. East Road. D. No answers.
( ) 57. How do I get to the library?
A. Go along North Road and then turn left into West Road. Then you can see the library on your right.
B. Go along North Road and take the second turning on the left, and then turn right. Now you can see the library on the left.
C. Go along Market Street and then turn left into Ferry Street. And now can see the library.
D. Go along North Road and take the third turning on the left, and then turn right into River Street. Now you can see the library on your right.
( ) 58. Which place is the nearest if I walk there?
A. The supermarket. B. The park.
C. The police station. D. The swimming pool.
( ) 59. Which is the shortest way for me to get to the Ferry Street?
A. Market Street —— Ferry Street.
B. East Road —— Ferry Street.
C. Market Street —— Little Street —— North Road —— Ferry Street .
D. East Road —— High Street —— Market Street —— Ferry Street.
( ) 60. Which road should I take to go to the swimming pool?
A. Old Street. B. East Road.
C. Market Street. D. North Road.
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