75.I don’t have any meat lunch.
A. for B to C. with
76.Class is over. Let’s .
A. have a class B. go home C. go to school
78 That is not uniform .it is
A. my; her B. his; mine C. your; her
79. Mrs is in today.
A. green, green B. green, Green C. Green, green
81. --- cleaning the blackboard? --- Lucy is.
A. Who’s B. Who’re C. Whose
82. Lucy is orange on the table.
A. eating B. wanting C. drinking
83. is she talking with?
A. What B. Who C. When
84. Don’t talk. I’m .,
A. speak B. speaking C. to speak
85. My mother soup for us every day.
A. makes B. is doing C. is making
86. Look ! Kate news on TV.
A. is watching B. watches C. watching
87. What’s he ?
A. listen B. listening C. listening to
90. Thanks your letter and .
A. for, photoes B. to, photos C. for, photos
My brother likes _________the__________ .
2.你怎么去学校? 走路
How do you ______ ______ school
I____ to school./
I ____ ______ _____ _____ ______.
He plays the_________ _______
He often_______me_______my_______.
5. 让我们出去吃饭吧。
Let’s __________ ______________!
_______do you want to _______the art club?
Can you play the _______ or the ______________
Can you __________ ____________?
___________ ___________ you _____________?
10、 我想学习有关艺术的东西。
I want to ___________ _____________art .
11、 我在学校的音乐俱乐部。
I ‘m ________ ________ ______ ______.
12、 你善长打篮球吗?Are you ___________ _____________ ____________ ______________?
13、 我喜欢同人们交流,同人们一起玩游戏。
I like to _____ and______ with people.
14. 请写信告诉我你的学习情况。
Please _______ _______ tell me about your study.
15. 通常他大约十点半睡觉。
He usually goes to bed _______ _______ ten-thirty.
Do you want to _______ _______ his study and work?
17. 我总是早上最后一个到达学校的人。
I’m always the last one _______ _______ to school in the morning.
Tom’s _______ _______ two showers.
19. 她正在读报纸。
She ______________ ______________ a _________.
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