



I、 词汇(10分)


1.Jack is a _____ in a restaurant.(服务员)

2.Lions are ______.(危险的)

3.The books are very h_____and I want to buy them.

4.An old friend of ____ is coming to se e me.(我的)

5.There are some W_____ reataurants here.


6.September is the _____(nine)month of the year.

7.They are _____(friend) to us.

8.We look forward to _____ you again .(see)

9.Tom and I are both ________.(policeman)

10.Many animals like eating _____(leaf) very much .


(   )1.There is ____ girl in the room. _____ girl is from Australia.

A. a  A   B. a  The   C. the  A  D. the The

(   )2.The party is _____ eight _____ th e afternoon.

A. in  in  B. at at  C. in  at  D. at  in

(   )3. I don’t know _____ it today .

A. what to do   B. how to do C. which to do  D. who to do

(   )4.Anna shares a bedroom ____ her sister.

A. to  B. and  C. with  D. for

(   )5.The number 110,206 can be read as _____.

A. one hundred and ten thousand ,two hundreds and six

B. one hundred and ten thousands and two hundreds and six

C. one hundred and ten thousand ,two hundred and six

D. one hundred ,ten thousand ,two hundreds and six

(   )6.There ____ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A. will have       B. is going to have

C. is going to be   D. are going to be

(   )7.---Is there ____ wrong with your bike ?

---No. But there is _____ wrong with my watch.

A.something  something  B. anything  something

C. something anything   D. anything   anything

(   )8.Uncle Jim will arrive on ____ of June.

A. fiveth  B. five  C. fifth  D. the fifth

(   )9. This is ____ bedroom .It is clean and bright.

A. Tom and Jack   B. Tom’s and Jack’s

C. Tom’s and Jack   D. Tom and Jack’s

(   )10.Walk ___ this street , turn right ____ the second crossing and you’ll find the hospital.

A. past  at   B. along  at   C. cross  to   D. to at

(   )11. It ________ me five minutes to walk to school.



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