It is sunny and warm today. A dog is sleeping.A panda comes to the dog and says,"You are a lazy dog. You don't do anything every day."
"What do I need to do?" asks the dog. My owner gives me food to eat.My owner takes me out for a walk.My owner loves me.Ha! I eat, I go out for a walk and I sleep. I don't have any other things to do."
But don't you have any ambitions(抱负)?"asks the panda.
" Ambitions? What do I need ambitions to do? I'm just a dog," says the dog. "What ambitions do you have?"
"I often go to other countries and make friends with people there.So I can show the world that Chinese are friendly," answers the panda.
"Oh," says the dog,"maybe I should(应该)do something for others."
( ) 46. What is the dog doing in the sunny day?
A. Walking B. Playing games
C. Eating D. Sleeping
( ) 47.文中划线单词owner 的中文意思是“ "
A. 主人 B. 老板 C.长辈 D. 失主
( ) 48. The dog has only thing(s) to do every day.
A. one B. two C. three D.four
( )49. The panda goes to other countries to show .
A. China has a long history B. China has all kinds of animals
C. China people love animals D. China people are friendly
( ) 50. The story tells us .
A. We should relax a lot on sunny days
B. Everyone should have ambitions
C. Pandas are clever animals
D. Animals are our friends
cross flag forget quick get
51.The river runs too for boats.
52.Don't to take your schoolbags home.
53.It is easy for them to school .
54.His brother the river on a ropeway every day.
55.There are many colorful in the park.
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