




(  )26. –Can you swim? --___________, but my brother Tom can.

A. Yes, I can.      B. No, I can’t.     C. Yes, I do.     D. No, I don’t.

(  )27. The boy can play _____basketball, but he can’t play ______violin.

A. a; the      B. the; the      C. the; /       D. /; the

(  )28. --_______do you usually go to school? --_______seven o’clock _____the morning.

A. What time; At; in         B. When; In; at

C. How; At; in          D. What time; At; on

(  )29. We read 9:45 _________in English.

A. nine forty five          B. a quarter to nine

C. a quarter to ten        D. a quarter past nine

(  )30. _____ does your sister go to school? –She goes to school in my father’s car.

A. What       B. when       C. Why       D. How

(  )31. I go to school by _______, but my best friend goes there ______foot.

A. a bike; by     B. bikes; on     C. bike; on      D. bike; by

(  )32. --_______does it take you _______to school every day? –About twenty minutes.

A. How long; get        B. When; to get

C. What time; to get        D. How long; to get

(  )33. –Don’t arrive late for class, Tom. --_____________.

A. Sorry, I won’t do it again.       B. It doesn’t matter.

C. You’re welcome.          D. The same to you.

(  )34. I have _______homework to do at school, and I have ______rules at home.

A. too much; too many         B. too much; too much

C. too many; too much         D. too many; too many

(  )35. --_____do you like pandas? –Because they’re ___________.

A. Why; lazy     B. How; scary     C. Why; cute      D. When; cute

(  )36. There are _______animals in the zoo, and the pandas are _______shy.

A. kinds of; kinds of        B. kind of; kind of

C. kinds of; kind of         D. kind of; kinds of

(  )37. Please don’t talk loudly here. The students _________the teacher in class.

A. listen       B. are listening to    C. are listening      D. listen to

(  )38. --_______________in Shanghai? –It’s windy and cloudy.

A. What’s the weather like       B. How’s the weather like

C. How’s the weather look like       D. What does the weather look like

(  )39. The weather is fine. The students are having a good time _______basketball.

A. to play      B. playing      C. play       D. plays

(  )40. --___________? –Not bad, we’re having a great time. Thank you.

A. What are you doing?        B. How’s the weather in Beijing?

C. How do you get to school?      D. How’s it going?



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