


尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 为您提供的七年级英语下册期中词汇专练试题,希望给您带来启发!

My sister’s _____________ (梦想) home is in a quite city.

There are many _____________ (餐馆) in this city.

The _____________ (首都) of the UK is London.

My father likes to visit different ______________ (宫殿) all over the world.

Mary’s school is 50 ______________ (英里) from her home.

He often _______________ (分享) his books with his classmates.

My birthday is on the ______________ (二十) of June.

There are ______________________________ (三千) students in my school.

Mary wants to make some ______________ (录像) of her house.

There is a d _____________ “s” in the word “Russia”.

Jack has his o ______________ car and home.

All the boys are on the football f _____________ after class.

Mr Yan i ______________ us to go to his birthday every day.

There us a new washing m _____________ and a new fridge in the room.

I have two m _______________ dollars, I want to travel around the world.

They go shopping ______________ (two) a month.

September is the ______________ (nine) month of a month.

This is my _______________ (three) time to meet you here.

Would you like ______________ (go) to Sunny Garden?

The library is the ______________ (good) place _____________ (read) books.

Simon is the first ______________ (get) to school every day.

We hope _______________ (visit) your new home soon.

Can you ask him ______________ (call) me back?

China is one of the strongest _______________ (country) in the world.

现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备的七年级英语下册期中词汇专练试题很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!







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