Mrs. Dean is Mike’s aunt. She is a 66 . She works at No. 2 Middle School in Beijing. She has two 67 . Their names are Sandy and Peter. Sandy is a nice girl. Every morning she gets up 68 . First she helps Mrs. Dean 69 the house. Then she 70 books in her bedroom. Sometimes she gives food to her bird Polly. 71 that she goes to school with her brother Peter. When school is over, she usually waits for Peter at the school gate. 72 they go home together. On weekends, she sometimes goes 73 with her mother. And sometimes she goes swimming 74 Peter. Where’s she now? Look! She is 75 photos of Peter with her new camera. Hmm, the two children look very happy.
A: Hello, This is Jim.
B: Linda? Hi! 76.____________________________ ?
A: I’m in Boston!
B: Wow, 77._______________________________?
A: It’s hot and sunny. How about the weather in Zhengzhou?
B: It’s raining now. 78._____________________________?
A: I’m doing my homework. I’m studying in a school of Boston.
B: Really? How do you get to school?
A:79._______________________________ . The school is not far from my house. And the bus ride is exciting.
B: Oh,80._________________________________ ?
A: I get up at 8:00. Our class begins at 9:00 in the morning.
B: Sounds like you are having good time there. Happy every day!
A: Thanks. Call you next time.
B: OK. Bye.
Name Activity Place
Dave 、Jim and Mike play soccer in a park
Linda play the violin under the tree
Judie read a book near a tree
Tom and Ken swim in a pool
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