( )66. Lucy: I am good with children and I want to find a part-time job on Saturday or Sunday.
( )67. Jack: I like to go to the movies and I like science fiction movies (科幻片) very much.
( )68. Mr. Smith: I am from America and I can speak English fluently (流利地). I want to find a job in China for two years.
( )69. Beck: I can sing and dance. I want to be a teacher and I am free at night.
( )70. Lyn: My friend Ada and I find new jobs at the same place. We want an apartment with a kitchen and we can cook for each other. A. Dancers Wanted
Do you want to teach in a dance club? You need to work in the evenings. Please call Mike at 882-6635. Our address is No.312 Zhongshan Road.
B. Taxi Drivers Wanted
Full or part time.Experience needed. Call Mr. Brown at 862-5546 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
C. English Teachers Wanted
Are you good at English? Our school needs two English teachers. Come to Bridge Street. Please call 332-6667 for more information.
D. Star Trek Into Darkness
Saturday and Sunday.Poly 3D Cinema, $25 (half for child under 12). Tel: 663-5526.
E. House for Rent
2 sunny bedrooms with one kitchen. $150 a month.Call Mr. Victor at 555?7843.
F. Cooks Wanted
Are you good at cooking breakfast? Come to our hotel at No.68 Renmin Road. Please call 663-2756.
G. Babysitter Wanted
Can you help look after kids on weekends? Then call Judy at 223-5586. We are at No.32 Green Street.
I work in a school library. There are many kinds of (71) _________ in it. They are about English, science, history, music and so on.You can do some (72) _________ or borrow books from it. But there are some (73) _________. You must obey (遵守) them.
When you are reading in the library, you have to be (74) _________. Don’t talk loudly or make any noise (喧哗). You can’t listen to music, (75) _________. You can’t (76) your bags or wet umbrellas into the library.(77) _________ eat or drink in the library. You can (78) _________ books from the library, (79) _________ you can’t lend (借出) them to others. You have to take good care of (好好保管) them and return them on (80) _________.If the library books are lost, you have to pay for them.
John and his parents are now in China. He is studying in a middle school in Beijing. In his new school, he has to obey some school rules that are different (不同) from those in the USA.
He has to be at school at 7:30 in the morning. Classes begin at 8:00.They have a break (课间休息) between two classes. It’s about ten minutes. During the break, they can eat and play games. He has to have lunch at school. He has to wear a school uniform on school days. He also has to wear sports shoes for P.E. classes. School is over at 5:30 in the afternoon. He has to go home for dinner. After dinner, he has to do his homework. He can watch TV if he finishes his homework.
Information Card
The country John comes from (81) __________________________________.
The time for the first class in the morning (82) __________________________________.
The place where John has lunch (83) __________________________________.
The clothes John wears on school days (84) __________________________________.
The activities John does after dinner (85) __________________________________.
B. 书面表达(15分)
内容包括:1. 描述你家的家规。
2. 谈一谈你对家规的看法。
2. 信息内容完整,语句连贯。
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