初一年级英语下学期试卷:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar



C: I can sing and _________(3)

A: You can! Great, Jennifer. _________(4)

D: No, I can’t. Victor can play the piano.

A: Victor, can you play the piano?

E: Yeah, I can’t sing or dance, ________(5)

(  )1. A. Can you play the piano?     B. Can you sing?

C. You can play the guitar.      D. Can he play the piano?

(  )2. A. Can you play the piano?     B. Can you sing?

C. Can you play the guitar?     D. You can play the guitar.

(  )3. A. I can’t play the drum.        B. I can play the drum.

C. I can’t play the guitar.        D. she can sing.

(  )4. A. Can you sing?              B. Can you play the drum?

C. Can you play the piano?      D. Can you play the guitar?

(  )5. A. but I can play the piano.      B. and I can’t play the piano.

C. but I can play the guitar.      D. but I can play the drum.

III、完形填空 (15分)

A. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(8分)

Li Lei is a  1  boy. He was born  2   1990. Now he is  3  . He  4  movies, and he often goes to see  5   . Li Lei can play  6   . He often plays it after school. He likes music. He wants  7   a musician.

Li Lei  8  likes sports. He usually(通常) watches them on TV.

(  )1. A. China    B. Chinese     C. China’s

(  )2. A. on       B. in          C. at

(  )3. A. twelfth   B. twelveth    C. twelve

(  )4. A. like      B. doesn’t like  C. likes

(  )5. A. they     B. them       C. it

(  )6. A. violin    B. the violin    C. a violin

(  )7. A. to is      B. be         C. to be

(  )8. A. either    B. also        C. too

B. 根据下面海报完成下列短文,每空一词。(7分)

We want ________ good swimmers ________ our swimming ________. ______ you swim ______ the sea(大海) or in the swimming pool(池子)? Do you want to ______ the school swimming club? You’re welcome. Please call Mike _______ 364-4577.

IV. 阅读理解(15分)


School Show

Name  Act   Time    Place

Li Xin Chinese Kung Fu Sunday 8:00 a. m. In the auditorium (礼堂)

Lucy English song Friday 3:40 p.m. Class Five

Mike Play the piano Tuesday 2:00 p. m. In the music room

Tom Paint Monday 10:00 a.m. Drawing room

Jack Beijing Opera Thursday 3:50 p.m. In the auditorium

(  )1. You can ask(问) ______ to play the piano for us.

A. Li Xin    B. Lucy     C. Mike    D. Jack

(  )2. You can watch Beijing Opera _______.

A. at 3 : 50 a. m. on Thursday               B. at 3: 50 p. m. on Thursday

C. at 2: 00 a. m. On Tuesday                D. at 8 : 00 p. m. on Sunday



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