



Sam gets  21 at six in the morning ,then he  22_ a shower and brushes his 23. He    24 breakfast at home. He goes to school 25  seven. He has four classes in the morning. He has lunch at school .In the afternoon, he has two classes. After class   he_26_sports. At 5:30, he goes home. After supper, he 27  his homework. He 28 watch TV every evening.He only 29 TV on Saturday evening. He usually 30  bed at nine .

(  )21.  A .on        B .off        C over        D up

(  )22  A take       B takes       C do          D does

(  )23  A .tooth      B teeth       C hair        D face

(  )24.  A .have      B does       C has         D hasn’t

(  )25.  A at         B in         C to          D for

(  )26.  A do         B plays      C watches    D play

(  )27.  A goes       B does       C has        D did

(  )28.  A can        B  doesn’t   C never       D want

(  )29.  A watch      B  watches  C make       D sees

(  )30.  A makes      B  go to     C goes to     D get up



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