David usually gets up at around six o’clock. He (71) _________ his teeth and(72) _________ a shower. Then he eats his breakfast (73) __________ 6:15.
He likes eggs,bananas and apples (74) _________ breakfast. He thinks they are(75) _________ food. After breakfast, he (76) _________
his homework, and then he goes to school at 7:00. The first class starts at 8:00. He finishes his lessons at 2:00 p.m. After class, he often plays volleyball (77) _________ two hours. He gets (78) _________ at 6:30 p.m., and he (79) _________ dinner at ten to seven. After dinner, he (80)_________ some cartoons on TV. Then he goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.
My name’s Lily. I get up at six thirty in the morning. I eat breakfast at six forty-five. I go to school at seven. I usually eat lunch at twelve in the afternoon. I play sports at four.I can play ping-pong very well.
P.E. is my favorite subject. I do my homework at five o’clock.And my mother usually helps me with homework.I have dinner at six thirty in the evening.I watch TV at seven.I usually go to bed at half past nine.
Information Card
The time Lily gets up (81)___________________________________.
The thing Lily does at 7:00 a.m. (82)___________________________________.
The subject Lily likes best (83)___________________________________.
The people who helps Lily with homework (84)___________________________________.
The time Lily goes to bed (85)___________________________________.
B. 书面表达(15分)
内容包括:1. 告诉劳拉你一天的生活安排。
2. 请劳拉写信告诉你她的日常生活。
写作要求:1. 词数70个左右。
2. 信息内容完整,语句连贯。
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