


Ⅱ. 完形填空 (10分)

On school trips, everyone can relax (放松) and have     16    . They don’t h ave to     17     about homework or tests, and everybody can get to know each other better. School trips make study more     18     and the students can learn more     19     nature (自然).

There are different kinds of school trips. Sometimes school trips     20     to go to the movies, zoos or parks and so on. Sometimes they are to     21     another city. Of course, a school trip depends on (取决于) weather, money, distance (距离) and the age of the students. To have a     22     school trip. Please pay attention to (注意) the following.

★    23     a good traveling timetable.

★Pack some clothes, food and drink.

★Take a hat     24     summer. Take some medicine and an umbrella.

★Make sure     25     the trip will be.

(   )16. A. funny       B. time          C. fun      D. interest

(   )17. A. forget       B. begin      C. worry      D. show

(   )18. A. interesting   B. hard          C. scared        D. favourite

(   )19. A. to    B. for            C. from     D. in

(   )20. A. is      B. are              C. was       D. were

(   )21. A. see   B. find          C. meet     D. visit

(   )22. A. happy      B. sad          C. surprised     D. tired

(   )23. A. Make       B. Do          C. Find      D. Listen

(   )24. A. at     B. on              C. in          D. for

(   )25. A. how much   B. how many        C. how about     D. how long

Ⅲ. 阅读理解 (20分)


There are many people on the bus. Some have seats, but some have to stand. At a bus stop, a woman gets on the bus. An old man tries to stand up.

“Oh, no, thank you,” the woman asks him back to the seat. “Please don’t do that. I can stand.”

“But, madam, le t me…,” says the man.

“I ask you to sit on your seat,” the woman says. She puts her hands on the old man’s shoulder.

But the man still tries to stand up, “Madam, will you please let me…?” “Oh, no,” says the woman. She again asks the man to sit back to his seat.

At last the old man shouts, “I want to get off the bus!”


(  )26. All the people have seats on the bus.

(  )27. An old man gets on the bus at the bus stop.

(  )28. The old man wants to give his seat to the woman.

(  )29. The woman sits on the old man’s seat.

(  )30. The old man wants to get off the bus.


Johnny is ten years old. He is very lazy (懒惰的). This Sunday his classmates go on a bus trip. The teacher doesn’t want to take Johnny with them. But no one takes care of Johnny at school. So the teacher has to take him.

“Now, children!” the teacher says. “On our bus trip we can see many old buildings, some beautiful villages. I want you to write about everything you see on the t rip.”

The bus trip begins. The children are writing something in their notebooks. The teacher is very happy.

Suddenly the teacher sees Johnny lying on the floor of the bus, so she goes up to him.

“Are you sick?” she asks him.

“No, Miss Brown,” Johnny says.

“Then why are you lying on the floor?”

“If I can’t see anything,” he says, “I will not need to write about it, right?”

(   )31. What do they do this  Sunday?

A. Have lunch at a restaurant.

B. Swim in the river.

C. Go on a bus trip.

D. Go shopping.

(   )32. They will see _______ on the trip.

A. some animals B. many old buildings

C. some beautiful cars     D. many new buildings

(   )33. What do the students do on the bus?  xk|b|1

A. They read some books.      B. They write something in their notebooks.

C. They lie on the floor.       D. They sing many songs.

(   )34. Johnny lies on the floor because _______.

A. he wants to see everything

B. he doesn’t want to write about the trip

C. he is sick     D. he is laughing

(   )35. Which of the follo wing is RIGHT?

A. Johnny is a lazy boy. B. Johnny is a happy boy.

C. The others are very lazy, too.   D. The teacher is sick.



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