III、完形填空 (15分)
A. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(8分)
Li Lei is a 1 boy. He was born 2 1990. Now he is 3 . He 4 movies, and he often goes to see 5 . Li Lei can play 6 . He often plays it after school. He likes music. He wants 7 a musician.
Li Lei 8 likes sports. He usually(通常) watches them on TV.
( )1. A. China B. Chinese C. China’s
( )2. A. on B. in C. at
( )3. A. twelfth B. twelveth C. twelve
( )4. A. like B. doesn’t like C. likes
( )5. A. they B. them C. it
( )6. A. violin B. the violin C. a violin
( )7. A. to is B. be C. to be
( )8. A. either B. also C. too
B. 根据下面海报完成下列短文,每空一词。(7分)
We want ________ good swimmers ________ our swimming ________. ______ you swim ______ the sea(大海) or in the swimming pool(池子)? Do you want to ______ the school swimming club? You’re welcome. Please call Mike _______ 364-4577.
IV. 阅读理解(15分)
School Show
Name Act Time Place
Li Xin Chinese Kung Fu Sunday 8:00 a. m. In the auditorium (礼堂)
Lucy English song Friday 3:40 p.m. Class Five
Mike Play the piano Tuesday 2:00 p. m. In the music room
Tom Paint Monday 10:00 a.m. Drawing room
Jack Beijing Opera Thursday 3:50 p.m. In the auditorium
( )1. You can ask(问) ______ to play the piano for us.
A. Li Xin B. Lucy C. Mike D. Jack
( )2. You can watch Beijing Opera _______.
A. at 3 : 50 a. m. on Thursday B. at 3: 50 p. m. on Thursday
C. at 2: 00 a. m. On Tuesday D. at 8 : 00 p. m. on Sunday
( )3. On weekend, we can watch ______ in the auditorium.
A. Chinese Kung Fu B. Beijing Opera C. Paint D. Play the piano
( )4. We can see the piano show in ______
A. the auditorium B. Class Five C. the music room D. drawing room
( )5. ______ sings songs for us ______.
A. Lucy; at 3:40 p.m. B. Mike; at 2:00 p.m.
C. Lucy; in the music room D. Mike; in Class Five
It’s four. It’s time to play games. Boys and girls play on the playground (操场). Some boys play soccer ball. Some boys play basketball. Some of them jump(跳高) and run. Some girls play with lines(绳). They jump and run, too. They are very happy(高兴). Some little girls sing English songs near the classroom(教室). Look. Billy plays the soccer ball. The soccer ball bits(打) Mr. Crisp’s head(头). He is very sorry, Mr. Crisp tells(告诉) him not to do like this again.
( )6. --- ______ do students do?
--- They ________.
A. How; make kites(风筝) B. What; play games
C. Where; are on the playground D. Who; do like this
( )7. _______ play soccer ball.
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