Sheepdogs are very important to farmers. Sheepdogs help farmers to find their__36__and bring them back to the farm.
Mike, a farmer from a___37__, has a very clever and honest sheepdog__38___ Bobby. He has built a little but__39___ house for Bobby and he treats the dog as a family ___40___. He often says. “Bobby is the best dog in the world. He works hard and__41___ my sheep very well.” If the dog house is__42___. Mike knows Bobby must be with his sheep.
Mike__43__ with Bobby through whistles(口哨).Bobby can understand many different orders from those whistles. And Bobby can __44__express(表达) himself by barking(狗叫)or __45__ other actions.
( )36. A. villagers B. dogs C. farmers D. sheep
( )37. A. village B. city C. park D. bank
( )38. A. aged B. dressed C. called D. showed
( )39. A. big B. expensive C. comfortable D. terrible
( )40. A. member B. menu C. number D. friend
( )41. A. looks out B. looks after C. takes back D.takes away
( )42. A. full B. clean C. empty D. dirty
( )43. A. chats B. speaks C. catches D. says
( )44. A. also B. too C. as D. well
( )45. A. doing B. to do C. to doing D. do
Look at the two posters about Sunshine Theatre( 剧院 ) and Moonlight Theatre:
Welcome to Sunshine Party!
Time: 1:30p.m.- 8:30p.m.,June 1st Happy
Place: Sunshine Theatre Children’s
Activities: Singing, dancing, a magic(魔法) Day
show and a fashion show
Welcome to Moonlight Party!
Happy Time: 2:30p.m.-10:30 p.m., June 1st
Children’s Place: Moonlight Theatre
Day Activities: 3 cartoon films and a fashion show
( ) 46.Both the two theatres will celebrate _________.
A.Children’s Day B. Teachers’ Day
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