1.John Brown and Anna Smith are Sally's ______.
A.parents B.grandparents
C.brother and sister D.uncle and aunt
2.Mary is Sally's ______.
A.aunt B.mother
C.sister D.grandmother
3.Ann is John Brown's ______.
A.son B.granddaughter
C.daughter D.sister
4.To m and Kate are Ann's ______.
A.cousins B.uncle and aunt
C.brothe r and sister D.father and mother
5.From the family tree,Sally has(有)______ cousins.
A.two B.three C.four D.five
Hello,I'm Kate.This is a photo of my aunt's family.The woman in the photo is my aunt,Jane.She is a teacher and she is very kind(善良).These are my cousins,Jeff and Jack.They are seven and they are twins(双胞胎). Look!That lovely(可爱的)baby is my aunt's little daughter,Rose.I love them very much.
6.There are(有)______ people in the photo.
A.three B.four C.five D.six
7.My aunt has ______.
A.two daughters B.two sons and a daughter
C.two daughters and a son D.only one s on
8.Rose is my aunt's ______.
A.son B.sister
C.mother D.daughter
9.Jeff and Jack are______.
A.eleven B.brother and sister
C.mother and son D.twins
10.Rose is Kate's ______.
A.sister B.mother C.cousin D.teacher
Come and look at the picture.It is a picture of an American family.The man in the hat(戴着帽子)is Mr. John White.He is a teacher.He teaches(教)English in a middle school in China.You can see Mrs. White,too.She is Dora White.She's from Canada(加拿大).She's a doctor.Mr. and Mrs. White have two children,Tom and Mary.Tom is ten and Mary is six.They love them very much.
( )11.Tom's father in the picture is in the hat.
( )12.Mary's father is Canadian and her mother is American.
( )13.Mrs. White is a teacher,too.
( )14.Tom,Mary and their father and mother are in China.
( )15.Tom is eight and Mary is eight,too.
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