11.Mary______ salad.
A.don't like B.doesn't like
C.doesn't likes D.like
12.There is some ______ on the plate(盘子).
A.oranges B.bread
C.bananas D.tomatoes
13.We should eat ______ food.
A.unhealth B.healthy
C.health D.unhealthy
14.My brother ______ an apple.
A.want eat B.wants eating
C.wants to eat D.wants eat
15.What does he ______ the food?
A.think of B.thinks of
C.thinks about D.thinking about
My name is Sandra.I have a brother.__1__name is Tom.We like different(不同的)sports.I like playing__2__.It is fun.I like tennis,too.__3__I don't like basketball.It is __4__. My brother__5__basketball.He has four basketballs.He__6__basketball every day.We like different__7__.I like eggs,apples and hamburgers__8__breakfast and dinner.For dessert(甜食),I like__9__.Tom likes oranges,chicken and carrots.We are__10__because(因为)we often play sports and eat good food.
1.A.He B.She C.Her D.His
2.A.volleyball B.TV C.watch D.oranges
3.A.And B.With C.But D.Of
4.A.fun B.difficult C.interesting D.fine
5.A.likes B.don't like C.like D.doesn't like
6.A.looks B.knows C.plays D.has
7.A.food B.books C.colors D.classes
8.A.in B.on C.for D.at
9.A.hamburgers B.chicken C.bread D.ice¬cream
10.A.boring B.healthy C.great D.relaxing
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