Hello,everyone!I am your new friend.My name is Mike.There are__1__people in my family—my wife(妻子),my__2__and I.I was born__3__the year 1976.My birthday is__4__—New Year's Day.I like soccer but I __5__ volleyball.I think it is__6__.My wife has a clothes store.__7__ clothes are at very good prices.Many people come to her store to __8__ clothes.My son is a student.He goes to__9__every day.His school has a (n) __10__.It is March 11th.He likes music very much,so he is in the festival every year.
1.A.two B.three C.four D.five
2.A.brother B.sister C.daughter D.son
3.A.in B.on C.at D.for
4.A.January 1st B.March 8th C.April 1st D.July 1st
5.A.like B.doesn't like C.likes D.don't like
6.A.boring B.fun C.great D.interesting
7.A.She B.Her C.She's D.Hers
8.A.buy B.bring C.sell D.make
9.A.store B.room C.school D.bed
10.A.School Day B.English party
C.speech contest D.music festival
It's Jim's birthday today.He is five years old.He gets many nice birthday presents(礼物) from his family and one of them is a big drum(鼓).
“Who gives him the drum?” his father asks.
“His grandfather does,” answers Jim's mother.
Jim likes his drum very much.He makes a noise(噪音) with it,but his mother doesn't say anything about it.His father is not at home.He is working in a school.So he doesn't hear the noise.
But one of the neighbours(邻居) doesn't like the noise at all.So one morning she takes a knife and goes into Jim's room.Jim is making a noise with the drum.She says to him,“Hello,Jim.Do you know there is something nice in your drum?Here's a knife.Open the drum and let's find it.”
1.Jim's ______ gives him the drum.
A.grandfather B.father
C.mother D.neighbour
2.Jim's father is ______.
A.a worker B.a teacher
C.a cleaner D.a shop assistant
3.The neighbour hates(讨厌) ______.
A.Jim's presents B.the drum
C.the knife D.the noise
4.The neighbour tells Jim ______.
A.to put the drum away
B.to look after the drum
C.to open the drum with the knife
D.to make a noise with the drum
5.Which of the following is right?
A.Jim's grandfather makes the drum.
B.Something is wrong with Jim's father's ears.
C.There's a nice present in the drum.
D.Jim's mother doesn't stop(阻止) the noise.
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