


第II卷 (共50分)



Mrs West lives in Wuhan. We know that Wuhan is very hot in summer.   86   Many people don’t want to go out after   87  . But Mrs West has to(不得不) 88   her father at the bus stop in such a hot afternoon.

Her father, Harry, is sixty years old. He lives in a small town. These days he doesn’t feel well. So Mrs West   89   him and asks him to come to see a   90   in the hospital in Wuhan. Because she thinks the hospital in Wuhan may be   91  for him.

Now she   92   on the way to the bus stop. There   93   no trees and she feels very hot. But she’s too fat and can’t walk fast(快). She walks and walks. Suddenly she finds a boy walking behind her. She gets   94 .

“Why are you walking behind me, boy?” she asks angrily.

“It’s   95  ,” the boy answers.

86. A. But    B. Because       C. So    D. Then

87. A. breakfast    B. dinner        C. supper     D. lunch

88. A. watch        B. meet        C. help    D. ask

89. A.  calls           B. sells            C. lets            D. likes

90. A. teacher        B. waiter        C. policeman    D. doctor

91. A. interesting       B. useful           C. easy           D. difficult

92. A. runs           B. plays        C. speaks       D. walks

93. A. have        B. has           C. are       D. is

94. A. unhappy            B. relaxed          C. great       D. busy

95. A. cold       B. cool             C. bad            D. hot



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