


丰富的学习生活对自己的帮助非常大,接下来就是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的初一年级上学期英语期末模拟试题,希望会对大家的学习带来帮助!

I. 单项选择(30分)

1. My uncle is_______actor at the theater.

A. a      B. an     C. the

2. --- What day is it today? --- ___   .

A. It’s cool     B. It’s Tuesday    C. It’s eight o’clock

3. This is Mr. Wang’s daughter. ___is in my class.

A. He         B. It            C. She

4. --- What’s in the cup?   --- There        some coffee.

A. is         B. are        C. has

5. The man        the left is Mary’s uncle.

A. on         B. in            C. at

6. ---        are you from?     -- I’m from England.

A. What       B. How        C. Where

7. My father has got a brother,        my mother hasn’t.

A. but           B. so         C. and

8. Lin da. there isn’t        food in the fridge.

A. a          B. some       C. any

9. A supermarket is between the school        the hospital.

A. in    B. and       C. behind

10. Look at the photo of my       . This is my grandfather.

A. bag    B. school C.Family

11. These are _________.

A. foot          B. feet         C. foots

12. ---   ___your mother’s job?

--- She is a manager   in an office.

A. Where’s B. What’s       C. How’s

13. My favourite book is Harry Potter and I like ___ it again and again.

A. reading       B. watching   C. looking at

14. _______are good friends.

A. Jack and I         B.I and Jack           C. Jack and me

15. --- ___  Where is No. 1 Middle School?

--- It’s next to the city library.

A. You’re welcome! B. Excuse me!      C. Thank you!



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