



This is my little brother, Tom. He is a tall  41  . His eyes, nose and mouth  42  small. He likes sports very much, and football is  43  favorite. He likes wearing sports clothes.

Tom is a happy boy. Every day he is busy  44  soccer. He never cleans his bedroom.  45  his bedroom is not clean or  46   . look! His socks and some books are  47  the floor. There is a pen and a basketball on the floor. He is looking for a(an)  48  to football match here and there. He likes playing soccer very much,  49  his schoolwork is very good. His English and math are the best in his class. His teachers and classmates like him, and he gets on  50  with them.

(   )41. A. girl          B. boy            C. baby          D. man

(   )42. A. be           B. is              C. am           D. are

(   )43. A. his           B. her            C. my           D. your

(   )44. A. taking        B. carrying        C. bringing       D. playing

(   )45. A. So           B. And           C. Because        D. Or

(   )46. A. dirty         B. tidy            C. ugly          D. beautiful

(   )47. A. in           B. at              C. of            D. on

(   )48. A. ticket        B. subject          C. key           D. answer

(   )49. A. then         B. but             C. also           D. and

(   )50. A. good         B. well            C. bad           D. badly



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