



(    ) 1. —_________are the keys?    —They’re on the bed.

A. Where   B. How C. What color

(    ) 2. Are the keys           the floor?

A. under B. in C. on

(    ) 3. “Where is your watch?” My parents _______ me.

A. know B. ask C. excuse

(    ) 4.—Mum, where’s my pencil box? —It’s on        sofa.

A. the     B. a     C. an

(    ) 5. —Is your photo on the table?  —________

A. No, they aren’t.   B. Yes, they are.    C. Yes, it is.

(    ) 6. Your brother’s books _______ in the desk.

A. are        B. is           C. /

(    ) 7. That isn’t my model plane. I think it is _______.

A. your         B. his       C. her

(    ) 8. —Excuse me, where’s my pen?   —Sorry, I ______ know.

A. am not            B. aren’t           C. don’t

(    ) 9. Can you help         , please?

A. me      B. my          C. I

(    ) 10. —Where’s the clock?  —_________.

A. It is mine        B. It is on the sofa   C. They are under the chair


1. 我们的收音机在哪里?

Where’s ___________________ _________________?

2. 你的身份证在飞机模型下面。

Your ID car is under the__________________ ___________________.

3. ——你的笔记本在书柜上吗?——对不起,我不知道。

—Is your notebook in the bookcase?

—Sorry, I ________________ _______________.

4. 快点,海伦。你必须去上学了。

___________________ _____________________, Nancy. You must go to school.

5. 这个整洁的房间是南希的。

The                                                is Nancy’s.



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