



Hi, friends! Do you have dogs? How do you know your dogs’ feelings (情感)? Many people d on’t know their dogs’ feelings. Because of this, Takara Tom makes the Bowlingual Voice (狗语言翻译器) to help  people. The Bowlingual Voice is in three colours. They are green, blue and red. The Bowlingual Voice is a little expensive (昂贵的). Its price is $220.

The B owlingual Voice can put dogs’ words into Japanese (日语). It can show you 100 different kinds of dogs’ voices. With the help of the Bowlingual Voice, you can know your dogs’ feelings. _________ If (如果) yo u don’t know Japanese, you can’t know dogs’ feelings with the Bowlingual Voice.

(   )61. Why does Takara Tom make the Bowlingual Voice?

A. Because some people can’t speak.

B. Because people like to have dogs.

C. Because dogs are good friends of people.

D. Because many people don’t know their dogs’ feelings.

(   )62. How many colours does the Bowlingual Voice h ave?

A. One.   B. Two.

C. Three.   D. One hundred.

(   )63. Choose the right one to complete the passage.

A. Many people like the Bowlingual Voice.

B. The Bowlingual Voice is not very big.

C. But the Bowlingual Voice can only speak Japanese.

D. And the Bowlingual Voice can know dogs’ feelings.

(   )64. What do we know from the passage?

A. The Bowlingual Voice can tell you cats’ feelings.

B. The Bowlingual Voice can’t speak Japanese.

C. The Bowlingual Voice is ¥220.

D. The Bowlingual Voice can tell you many dogs’ feelings.

(   )65. The passage mainly (主要地) tells us ____.

A. what the Bowlingual Voice is

B. how much the Bowlingual Voice is

C. who makes the Bowlingual Voice

D. where you can buy the Bowlingual Voice



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