牛津版七年级英语上册Unit7 shopping测试卷



(   )26. Andy is shopping  ______ .

A. in a supermarket        B. in a shopping mall

C. on the Internet            D. in a small shop

(   )27. If Andy buys  ______ games, he needn’t pay for the postage.

A. three        B. four        C. five      D. six

(   )28. Andy can get the games ______if he pays on December 24.

A. before New Year’s Day        B. at Christmas

C. after New Year’s Day         D. during the Spring Festival

(   )29. If the games don’t work, Andy can ______.

A. go to Topgameworld          B. email Topgameworld

C. write to Topgameworld         D. get his money back

(   )30. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. All of the games are new.

B. All of the games are not good.

C. Topgameworld is the name of a shop in a mall.

D. Andy is emailing because his games don’t work.


My friend Liu Xiaoxiao lives in a poor area in Gansu. We often write to each other. But we never chat on QQ, because she doesn’t have a computer.

Xiaoxiao’s family is poor.

She must look after her brother in the evening and feed (喂) pigs every morning. Only when she finishes all of the housework, can she walk to school. That’s a long way. Sometimes it takes her an hour. Xiaoxiao is a top student. She works hard and is good at all her lessons.

Xiaoxiao likes music. But she doesn’t have a CD player. She listens to music on her old radio.

Life is not easy. But Xiaoxiao means (意思是) “笑” in Chinese. Xiaoxiao always looks happy. “I live in a world full of love and hope, so I don’t need to be sad,” she says.

(   )31. Liu Xiaoxiao lives far from ______.

A. her school     B. Gansu       C. a poor area     D. a shopping mall

(   )32. Xiaoxiao usually ______ in the evening.

A. feeds pigs

B. cooks supper

C. does some cleaning

D. looks after her brother

(   )33. Which of the following things can be Xiaoxiao’s?

A.        B.         C.         D.

(   )34. Xiaoxiao is happy because she ______  .

A. works hard        B. is a top student

C. has love and hope   D. has a friend like me

(   )35. What’s the best title (标题) for this reading?

A. Helping Xiaoxiao        B. Helping Poor Students

C. A Poor but Happy Girl       D. Poor Children Need Love



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