2016学年七年级英语上册测试题:Module 8




It’s cold now. Walking outdoors is not a good idea. But we know that walking is the best exercise. So, what shall we do? Put off our health plans and go out next spring? No. Here’s a way out. We can be mall walkers.

“It’s too hot in summer (to walk outside) and too cold in winter, so we come here,” says Glenna Osiek. She walks at malls five days a week with her friends. “We can keep away from the bad day outside in this way, and there’s a lot to look at in malls.”

Doctors say that walking is good for health, and it’s good to start by walking for 30 minutes at a time. They say malls are good places because it is not easy for walkers to fall down in them. And walking indoors makes people less tired. We can also make friends with others.

(   )31. The reading asks people to     .

A. go shopping in malls        B. go walking with friends

C. go walking in malls        D. go walking on cold days

(   )32. 加下划线的短语put off的中文意思是:    。

A. 推迟      B. 坚持         C. 脱掉      D. 开始

(   )33. Glenna Qsiek walks at malls     .

A. every day    B. five days a week

C. with her family D. only in winter

(   )34. Doctors tell us      reasons for mall walking.

A. two     B. three      C. four  D. six

(   )35. The reading may be on the      page of a newspaper.

A. art        B. sports        C. food     D. health

四. 填空 (每小题1分,共15分)

A. 根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成英语句子。

36. I need a blouse with two  ____  (口袋).

37. My grandpa enjoys  ____ (搜集) stamps.

38. We hope to  ____(度过) a happy weekend in Nanjing.

39. The gloves feel so ____(柔软的). I like them.

40. My dream is to be a  ____(模特儿) when I grow up.

B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. All of the  ____  (scarf) look very smooth.

42. How  ______ (love) Grace looks when she is smiling!

43. The shirt  ____ (match) your coat and tie very well.

44. Of all the animals, I like monkeys  ____ (much).

45. Thanks for  ____ (lend) me your umbrella.

C. 阅读下面的对话,从方框内选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。

think about, be made of, write to, pair of, bus stop

46. — Which shirt would you like?

— Well, I am  ____   it. Which one do you think is the best?

47. — Is James in his study?

— Yes. He ____ his uncle now.

48. — Look at the dresses. They are so light.

— Yes. These dresses   ____   silk.

49. — There are five  ____  near the mall.

— Yeah. So many buses bring lots of people to the mall.

50. — This  ____ jeans is too long for me.

— Don’t worry. You are growing fast, right?



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