



One day Mrs White and her daughter  1 in a clothes store. 2 people are in the store. The red skirt is  3  sale  4  twenty  5 , 6  her daughter  7  it. She likes the blue skirt  8 . It is 30 dollars. Mrs White buys it  9  her daughter. Then they buy  10   from a bookstore(书店).

1.A.am    B.is     C.are     D.be

2.A.Much   B.Many    C.Lot of     D.A lot

3.A.in    B.on     C.at      D.of

4.A.in    B.of     C.to      D.for

5.A.dollar   B.pound    C.dollars     D.meters

6.A.but    B.and    C.so      D.because

7.A.don’t like        B.doesn’t likes

C.doesn’t like       D.are like

8.A.very         B.much

C.quite         D.very much

9.A.for    B.to     C.in      D.on

10.A.an English book      B.English book

C.English a book       D.an English books



Mason’s Clothes Store

Clothes(服装) Color(颜色) Price(价格)

socks white,blue $4

trousers black $11

sweater red,white $8

T-shirt red,green,black $7

hat black,red $6

1.Which is the cheapest(最便宜的)of all?

A. Hat.           B.T-shirt.

C. Trousers.          D. Socks.

2.How much are two sweaters and a hat?

A.$14.      B.$20.    C.$21.   D.$22.

3.You can buy ______.

A. black trousers         B. a blue sweater

C. a green hat         D. red socks

4.You like red and you only have $6.You can take   ______     .

A. a sweater          B. a hat

C. a T-shirt          D. none(全无)

5.You only have sixteen dollars. You can buy   ______    .

A. a sweater and a pair of trousers

B. two T-shirts and a pair of socks

C. a sweater and two pairs of socks

D. a sweater and two hats



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