


二、 完形填空 (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Halloween is an important festival in the USA. It has a(n)    16    of about 2,000 years.

Halloween is on October 31st. It isn’t a    17    in the USA.

Students have lessons as usual (照常).    18    they have parties in the evening. They have many ways to have fun. Most of them like to    19    special clothes for the festival. There are    20    many games on Halloween. Children like to play “trick or treat” best, and then they can get candies    21    their neighbours (邻居). And another game is bobbing for apples (咬苹果). Do you know    22    to play it? Children put some apples in a box. One of them tries to get an apple with the    23   , not with a hand. It is a(n)    24    game, but everyone enjoys it.

Of course, there are many jack-o’-lanterns. I am good at    25    one out of a pumpkin. Halloween is always lots of fun.

(   )16. A. lesson   B. story         C. history      D. idea

(   )17. A. holiday   B. festival        C. weekend     D. weekday

(   )18. A. If      B. So         C. But       D. Because

(   )19. A. paint      B. shout        C. wear       D. show

(   )20. A. seldom     B. never        C. always      D. sometimes

(   )21. A. to      B. with        C. for      D. from

(   )22. A. how     B. where       C. what       D. why

(   )23. A. nose    B. mouth       C. head       D. eye

(   )24. A. big      B. interesting    C. easy      D. important

(   )25. A. cooking     B. borrowing      C. putting     D. making

三. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


This questionnaire (问卷) is about your job and hobby. You don’t need to tell us your name. But please answer the questions honestly. Many thanks!

Are you a man or a woman? man    woman

What is your job? teacher      worker      student

doctor   others

How old are you? under 10    11-20        21-30

31-40         above 40

How much money do you make a month? less than 1,000 yuan

1,000-3,000 yuan

3,000-5,000 yuan



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