



Mrs Jones: Which meal do we need most, breakfast, lunch or __1____?

Tony: Dinner.

Mrs Jones: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I don’t ___2___ we need it most.

Tony: Is lunch the meal we want most?

Mrs Jones: No, ____3___ is the meal we need most. But why?

Kate: It is a long time from night to morning. We have no ____4___.

Mrs Jones: Right! If we don’t have breakfast, we don’t feel ____5____. But what makes a good breakfast?

James: I think we can ____6____ milk, bread, noodles or porridge. ___7____ are good for breakfast.

Mrs Jones: That’s right. We can eat some vegetables and fruits ___8____ the morning, too. They make us healthy.

David: I ____9___ coca cola a lot. Can I have that in the morning?

Mrs Jones: You’d better not. Water is good for you.

Danny: Mum says we can not eat too much things after ____10____.

Mrs Jones: Great, Danny. It may make you sick. After sports you need water and a rest first, not lots of food

(     ) 1. A. fruits            B. food            C. dinner

(     ) 2. A. like             B. know           C. think

(     ) 3. A. breakfast         B. lunch           C. dinner

(     ) 4. A. water            B. food            C. vegetables

(     ) 5. A. good            B. great            C. well

(     ) 6. A. take             B. make           C. have

(     ) 7. A. You             B. They           C. We

(     ) 8. A. for              B. in              C. on

(     ) 9. A. eat              B. bring           C. like

(     ) 10. A. school          B. lunch           C. sports


1. –Do you like bananas?

--No, I don’t like ___ _______ (it) at all.

2. Peter likes ________ (play) basketball.

3. His mother ________ (not) like French fries.

4. I like strawberry ice cream, but I don’t like ________. (strawberry)

5. They like _________ (eat) hamburgers and carrots for lunch.


1. Linda and Tom like French fries. (改成否定句)

They _____  ______ French fries.

2. Does Tom like eggs for breakfast? (否定回答)

______, ______ _______.

3. She doesn’t have lunch. (变肯定句)

She _______ lunch.

4. My teacher plays basketball. (改一般疑问句)

______ your teacher ________ basketball?

5. We play volleyball. (变成由Let开头的祈使句)

______ _______ volleyball.



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