七年级上册英语第六单元试卷:Food and lifestyle



C. They chat with each other.           D. They do some sports.

(   )27.  _____ will help John learn well in the afternoon.

A. A good lunch  B. A short sleep       C. Some sports   D. Short lunchtime

(   )28. 文中“fed up with”的汉语意思是 _____  。

A. 喜欢       B. 渴望        C. 厌倦       D. 欢迎

(   )29. How long does Eddie exercise every day on average (平均)?

A. For less than an hour.        B. For 4 hours.

C. For more than an hour.       D. For less than two hours.

(   )30. Which of the following is NOT RIGHT?

A. Eddie likes playing badminton.

B. Eddie doesn’t want to be a dull boy.

C. John thinks lunchtime is too short now.

D. The students seldom have pork in the dining hall.


You can’t look good if you are not healthy. And one way to be healthy is to do exercise.

Football, tennis, volleyball and swimming are all good for you. Muscle (肌肉) exercise is also important. You can exercise at school or at home. Boys can do push-ups (俯卧撑) and girls can do sit-ups (仰卧起坐).

But there are some don’ts here:

First, stay away from weight lifting (举重). It’s bad for you, because it gives too much stress (压力) to your body and you can’t grow tall if you practise often.

You should exercise for about an hour a day, and three days a week. On the other days, don’t exercise too much. Exercising too much is not a good idea.

Don’t go running for a long time. Running for a long time makes you tired.

Don’t want fast results (结果). Your muscles will grow when you get older. If you want to be healthy and strong, exercise and healthy food are the best way. But don’t think you can make it in one day.

(   )31. “You” in this article is a  _____  .

A. teacher      B. parent         C. student      D. player

(   )32. In Paragraph (段) 2, we can know  _____ .

A. what exercise we need        B. what exercise are bad

C. how to do exercise            D. when to do exercise

(   )33. There are _____  don’ts in the article.

A. five       B. two        C. three       D. four

(   )34. The article tells us that  _____s good for students.

A. exercising too long              B. weight lifting

C. exercising too much       D. volleyball

(   )35. What’s the best title (标题) for the article?

A. Exercise Is Interesting        B. Be Careful With Exercise

C. Let’s Do Exercise            D. Bad Exercise



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