



A) 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。

(    )21. ¬——Let’s play volleyball.


A. You are welcome.       B. Thank you.         C. That sounds good.

(    )22. ——Is this          pencil?

——No, it isn’t my pencil .

A. you                  B. your               C. her

(    )23.           Tom          an eraser?

A. Do, have        B. Does, have           C. Does, has

(    )24. ——          ?

—— It’s 88868887.

A. What’s your name     B. What’s this        C. What’s you phone number

(    )25. ——          is my notebook?

——It’s in the drawer.

A. Where             B. What             C. What color

(    )26. He is Tony Brown, his family name is          .

A. Tony                B. Brown           C. Tony Brown

(    )27. These          are my sisters.

A. boys                 B. girl                C. girls

(    )28. Tom and Anna are her          .

A. parent           B. a parent          C. parents

(    )29. 元音字母为          .

A. A a, E e, I i, O o, P p     B. A a, E e, I i, O o, U u   C. A a, E e, O o, U u, Y y

(    )30. ——Good afternoon,Mr. Smith!

——         !

A. Goodbye            B. Good morning        C. Good afternoon

(    )31. Robert          basketball every day.

A. play                    B. plays                 C. playing

(    )32. I eat eggs and hamburgers          lunch?

A. at                    B. in                 C. for

(    )33. A ping-pong ball and a tennis ball          under the bed.

A. is                    B. am                C. are

(    )34. These are          .

A. tomato              B. tomatos           C. tomatoes

(    )35. This is          orange. That’s          banana.

A. an, a                  B. an, an                C. a, an



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