


Ⅳ. 阅读理解(10分)

A: Hi, my name is Mary. What’s your name?

B: My name is Bill.

A: Nice to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you, too.

A: Look, this is your desk and this is your chair. Sit down, please.

B: Thank you. Where(在哪里) are your desk and chair?

A: Here!

B: Hmm, the classroom is nice.

A: Yes, welcome to our class.

B: You are a nice girl.

A: Thank you.

B: May I have your pen?

A: Sure. Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A: You are welcome.

1. Mary is _____.

A. a nice girl       B. 12

C. a boy         D. a teacher

2. Mary and Bill are in_____.

A. the lab        B. the classroom

C. the library       D. the desk

3. Bill is_____.

A. a new (新的) student

B. an old (老的) student

C. a girl

D. a new teacher

4. Bill doesn’t have a_____.

A. book        B. pencil

C. pen        D. ruler

5. How many things(东西)can you see in the passage?

A. Three.   B. Four.   C. Five.    D. One.



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