初一英语第一学期第六单元试卷:Do you like bananas?




Shopping on Holiday(假日)

One holiday afternoon,Mrs Smith and her Child,Lucy are in a big shop near their house. Mrs Smith likes Lucy and wants to buy a new dress for her. Lucy doesn’t like the new dress. She likes something to eat. So her mother buys two kilos of apples for her. Lucy also wants to buy some picture-books and colour pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. They are men and women,old and young,They all want to buy something. The people in the shop are very friendly.

(   )6. Lucy and ______ shopping on holiday.

A.her parents     B.her mother     C.her uncle     D. her aunt

(   )7. Lucy wants to buy ____

A.something to eat   B.some color pencils  C.a dress  D.A and B

(   )8. Does the shop have apples?

A. Yes,it does.     B.Yes,it doesn’t.

C. No,it doesn’t.     D.No,it does.

(   )9. The people in the shop are_______

A. old         B. happy       C. nice            D. young

(   )10. Why(为什么)are there many people in the shop?

A.They are old.               B. They are young.

C. They want to buy something    D. They want to buy apples

四、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空-  (10)

1.Jeff likes _______     (strawberry) very much.

2. There are two ________  (tomato) on the tab1e.

3. The food _________(be) very nice.

4. Where ________be) the vegetables?

5.Some _____(orange) are on the table.

6.I want some______(tomato)for dinner.

7.Tom is a ______(healthy) boy .

8.My brother_____(not like)salad.

9.Let’s _____(has)broccoli, It’s good for us.

10.I like _____(eat) healthy food every day .



Peter Gina

breakfast strawberry

orange egs,bananas

lunch boccoli

fench fries slad,chicken

supper ie cream aples,hamburgers,








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