



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。

Tony is an American boy, and he is 14 years old. His parents work in a hospital in Beijing,   so he comes to   36  , too. Now he studies at No. 1 Middle School. He makes a lot of new friends here. Zhang Hong is   37   best friend. He is one year older than Tony.

Today is Dragon Boat Festival(端午节). Zhang Hong   38   Tony to his home. In the morning, Tony takes a bus to Zhang Hong’s home   39   some chocolates. Zhang Hong’s parents are very happy to see Tony. It’s his   40   time to taste so   41   traditional(传统的) Chinese food. He even learns to make rice dumplings(粽子) from Zhang Hong’s mother. Zhang Hong’s mother is a good   42   in a restaurant (饭店). Zhang Hong’s father teaches the two boys   43

some new computer games. They have a great time in the morning.

After lunch, the two boys go out to the   44  . There are dragon boat races(龙舟赛) in the afternoon. When they go back home, they are tired.   45   they enjoy themselves very much.

36.  A. Nanjing B. Beijing C. Shanghai D. Tianjing

37.  A. he’s  B. him C. his D. her

38.  A. asks B. tells C. orders D. pleases

39.  A. in B. without C. from D. with

40.  A. one B. first C. last D. /

41.  A. many B. much C. few D. little

42.  A. teacher B. doctor C. singer D. cook

43.  A. play B. to play C. playing D. to playing

44.  A. park B. hospital C. school D. cinema

45. A. But B. And C. Or D. So



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