



1. My father and mother are my p_____ .

2. I have a big(大的) f_____ .

3. my father call(把她叫作) her sister and I call her a____.

4. Thank you very m_____ ..

5. My father is in the f____ photo.

6. Bob and I are good f _____ .

7. U _____ John is my father’s good friend.

8. Let’s(让我们) draw a p_____ .

9. -----Are these your brothers or sisters ?

-----No, t_____ are my friends.

10. -----Hi,Dave. H____ are your parents?

----- They are fine,thanks.

11. I am in Class Two.Are you in Class Two,t_____.

12. The boy is not my friend. He is my b_____ .

13. My name is Linda Smith,so my f _____name is.Smith

14. “7” is s_____ in English.

15. _____ (这些) are my friends,

16. _____ (感谢) for the nice flowers,

17. How nice the _____ (手表) are.

18. This is my _____ (儿子) Jim. I love him very much.

19. These are our family _____ (全家福 ) .

20. Hi,please bring _____ (我们) some cola.

21. My aunt has two _____ (女儿) .

22. Where are _____ (他们的) new reading books, do you know?

23. Mum, _____ (这个) is Peter. That is Mike.

24. -----When is your ______ (电话) number?

-----It is 556-8029.

25.  My parents like _____ (他们) very much.

26. This skirt is nice. It is my _____ (妈妈的) .

27. I have an ____ (英语) book. It is very interesting.

28. My brothers are in the _____ (接下来的) picture,

29. Do you know the girl? What is her____ (最后的) name ?

30. What is your English _____ (老师的) name?



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