




Eric: I lost my backpack. Did you see it (你看见它了吗), Alice?

Alice: Is it a blue one?

Eric: No, it isn’t. It’s black.

Alice: What’s in it?

Eric: An English book, a dictionary, a notebook and a pencil case.

Alice: What color are they?

Eric: The English book is green, the dictionary is yellow, the notebook is red, and the pencil case is white.

Alice: And what’s in the pencil case?

Eric: A pen, a pencil and a pencil sharpener.

Alice: A ha, Tom and I found it this morning. It is in the lost and f ound case now (现在). Call Mary, please. Her telephone number is 368-4590.

Eric: Thank you.


( )26. Eric’s backpack is ________.

A. blue    B. black    C. red    D. yellow

( )27. Eric’s ______ is white.

A. English book   B. dictionary   C. pencil case   D. notebook

( )28. _________ are in Eric’s pencil case.

A. A pen, a pencil and a pencil sharpener   B. A pen, a pencil and a ruler

C. A pencil, a ruler and a pencil sharpener

D. A pen, a ruler and a pencil sharpener

( )39. ______ found Eric’s backpack.

A. Tom and Alice   B. Tom and Mary   C. Alice and Mary  D. Alice and Eric ( )30. Which of the following is TRUE (下面哪项陈述是正确的)?



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