




Are you thinking about what to do in your free time? Come and join us ---Youth Club! Join in lessons and activities. It’s fun! For more information, call 13812427108!

Lessons                  Activities

Monday~~ Friday 6:00~~7:30 pm

Computer less ons for beginners Saturday and Sunday 8:00~~9:00 pm

Basketball and volleyball playgrounds open

Monday , Wednesday 7:30~~9:30 pm

Dance lessons for dance-lovers

You can learn and enjoy wonderful dances. Monday~~ Sunday

Swimming pool open

Tuesday , Thursday and Friday 6:30~~7:30 pm

Cooking lessons

Learn to cook delicious dishes from all over China The 2nd and last Saturday of every month 7:00~~9:30 pm

Concert time---Enjoy Swedish rock, American jazz and beautiful songs from different parts of the world!

46.On which of the following days can’t you have computer lessons?

A. Monday.         B. Wednesday.         C. Friday.       D. Sunday.

47 .If Dick wants to swim after playing basketball , when can he go to the club?

A. Monday and Wednesday.         B. Monday and Sunday.

C. Saturday and Sunday.            D. Monday to Sunday.

48.How often does the club have music concerts?

A. Twice a month.                 B. Twice a week.



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