



(    )21. Miss Fang is ______ English teacher.  ________ is a good teacher.

A. our; Her        B. my; He         C. a; She       D. an; She

(    )22. ______ Monday afternoon, they play basketball after class.

A. In           B. On            C. For             D. At

(    )23.They usually have _______at 6:30 a.m.

A.a breakfast         B.breakfasts      C.the breakfast       D.breakfast

(    )24.What’s the date today?

A. Monday        B.Sunny         C.Fine         D.November 18th

(   )25. Let’s _____ some dumplings for the Spring Festival.

A. making    B. makes     C. make      D. to make

(    )26.--- _____ does Uncle Wang go fishig?  ---Sometimes.

A. How much       B. How long       C. How often      D. How far

(    )27. ---______ he ______ from Beijing? ---No, he ______.

A. Is, come, isn’t                    B. Does, come, isn’t

C. Is, come, doesn’t                  D. Does, come, doesn’t

(    )28. His son often ______with me after school.

A. walks to home                 B. walk home

C. walk to home                  D. walks home

(    )29. We like talking _______ each other _______ interesting things after school.

A. with, about                    B. with, with

C. about, about                    D. about, with

(    )30.---Happy birthday,Jim!  ---_______, Amy.

A. Thank you        B. Happy birthday       C. That’s all right      D. OK

(    )31.Can I borrow some books _______you?

A.to           B.from          C. For           D.of

(    )32.The shop ________from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

A.opens        B.open         C. is open         D. is opened

(    )33.---How do you go to school every day?---________.

A.By bikes      B.By bike          C.On bike          D. By a bike

(    )34.--Is your brother’s name Tom? --- Yes , ____ is.

A. its           B. he            C. she             D. it

(    )35.Tom likes helping others, so he is a ________boy.

A.careful        B.clever         C.helpful          D. cute



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