


六、汉译英: ( 每空一词 10分,每空0.5分)

74. ----你好吗?-----我很好,谢谢。----_________ _________ you?  ---- Fine. Thanks.

75. 那个用英语怎样表达?    ___________ ____________ in English?

76. 她的姓是格林吗?        Is her___________ __________Green?

77. 你的电话是多少?        What’s your____________ ___________?

78. 感谢你的来信.            ____________ ____________ your letter.

79. 请给拨打电话370-5641找我。Please ___________ me ___________ 370-5641 .

80. 梳妆台上有一串钥匙There is a _________ __________ _________ on the dresser.

81. 他的书在桌子上吗?       ____________ his books __________the desk?

82. 你怎么拼写 “ruler” 这个单词________ ________ you _______ the word “ruler”?

七、 任务型阅读。(5分  每题1分)

Bob:   Oh, no! My book isn’t in my backpack. Where is it?

Gina:  Your book is on the table.

Bob:   But where are my keys?

Gina:   Your keys are in your backpack.

Bob:   Yes, yes…Where are my pencils?

Gina:   They’re under the bed.

Bob:   And my hat?

Gina:   It’s on the bed.

Bob:   Where’s my pencil case?

Gina:   It’s on the chair. Oh!...No, it isn’t. That’s my pencil case.

Bob:   But where is my pencil case?

Gina:   Sorry, I don’t know.


83. Bob’s book is on the  ____________________ .

84. Gina’s ______________________ is on the chair.

85. Are Bob’s keys in his backpack?  (请用完整的形式回答)


86. Where is Bob’s hat? __________________________________________

87. But where is my pencil case?  (请将文中划线的句子翻译成汉语)




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