



66. It’s useful to have a_____________(父母亲) meeting twice a year.

67. The girl _____________(穿着) a pink dress looks very cute.

68. Of all the subjects ,______________(地理) is my favourite.

69. Do you want to play volleyball at          ?(周末)

70. My cousin likes football ,Messi and C.Ronaldo are his__________(偶像).

71. ---How often does Millie go to he r ______________ (swim) lesson? ---Sorry, I have no idea.

72.Andrew ,          your dog for a walk once a day.(take)

73. The red jacket is one of the ______________(play) on the playground.

74. Tom, like his classmates, often ____________ (fly) kites in the open air..

75. NBA player Spud Webb is short ,but he plays basketball very        .(good)

六、任务型 阅读(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分,每空一词)

How to deal with homesickness(想家/思乡)

When children are out , like at a summer camp (夏令营) or a friend’s house, they may feel sad, and start to miss (想念) their beds, their dad and mum, and all the things at home. We call it being homesick. Let me tell you some ways about how to deal with it:

Have a good time

When you do interesting things, you will have no time to feel homesick, and soon you will start to have a good time.

Contact (联系) your family and friends.

For a night visit, you can all your parents once that night, and again in the morning. In a camp, you can call them once a day. You can also e-mail them. If you are away for a long time, you can write a letter. When you contact them, please tell them your happiness (快乐).

Talk to someone.

Tell someone you feel homesick, and it can make you feel better(更好), for example, you can talk to other children in the camp. You can also talk to your teacher and he/ she will give you some ideas to help you.



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