


VI. 完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)


My name is Bob. I have a __36__. Look! Here is a photo __37__ my friend. He wears a hat on his head. __38__ name is Mike. His __39__ number is 293-7668. One day, he can’t find his English book. So he calls me in the evening. “Good __40__, Bob! My English book is lost. __41__ is it?” “Mike, your books are everywhere. Is it __42__ your bed?” Mike says, “__43__, I can only(仅仅) find my shoes(鞋子) under the bed.” “Well….Is it on your bed this time?” “Oh, yes! Thanks __44__ your help!” says Mike. “You’re __45__.”

(  )36. A. father B. friend C. book      D. bed

(  )37. A. of  B. on  C. /                   D. for

(  )38. A. He               B. She  C. His      D. Her

(  )39. A. ID card B. car  C. school                 D. telephone

(  )40. A. night            B. afternoon        C. morning     D. evening

(  )41. A. Who B. What  C. Where     D. What  color

(  )42. A. under           B. on  C. near      D. in

(  )43. A. Yes              B. No  C. I don’t know     D. I know

(  )44. A. of  B. at               C. for      D. /

(  )45. A. welcome B. good  C. come      D. well

VII. 阅读理解。(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)




(  )46.Kate lost a ________.

A. dictionary           B. model plane        C. cup    D. pen

(  )47. What color is the jacket?

A. blue and black    B. blue and red      C. black and red   D. orange and green


Hi! My name is Jenny. I am a student in PEP Middle School in Hangzhou. And I have a friend, Bob at school. Do you want to know my family? Here is a photo of my family. These are my grandparents. They live(居住) in Shanghai now. This is my father. His name is Bill Smith. He is a teacher in No.4 Middle School. His phone number is 13857428849. This is my mother, Sally Smith. She works(工作) in a shop. She only sells(仅仅卖) rulers, pens, erasers, pencil boxes and notebooks. Her phone number is 15857499256. My mother is tidy, but my father isn’t.

(  )51. Jenny Smith is a stu dent in ________.

A. PEP Middle School  B. Shanghai          C. No. 4 Middle School  D. a shop

(  )52. ________ is Jenny’s friend in school.

A. Bill                           B. Bob                    C. Sally                          D. Smith

(  )53. Jenny’s father’s phone number is ________.

A. 15857499256           B. 13857428849      C. 18857428894            D. 13957482339

(  )54. Jenny’s mother only sells ________.

A. rulers, pens, erasers, boxes and notebooks

B. rulers, pens, erasers, pencils and books

C. r ulers, pens, erasers, pencil boxes and books

D. rulers, pens, erasers, pencil boxes and notebooks

(  ) 55. According to the article(根据本文), we know ________.

A. Bill isn’t a teacher in school.            B. Jenny’s grandparents are in Hangzhou now.       C. Sally works in a shop.                  D. Jenny’s mother isn’t tidy.


Gina has a small room at home. Look! This is her room. Some things are in her room.

Her schoolbag is on her desk. Her red jacket is on her bed. An E-dictionary is on her bed, too. It’s Grace’s. Grace Smith is her friend. Her books are on the sofa. And her teacher Mr. Green’s pen is in  the bookcase. She borrowed(借来的) it. She has a set of keys in her desk. She has a computer game.

A model plane is under her desk. It is her father--Tim Miller’s. Her mother--Emma Miller’s sweater(毛衣) is in her room, too.

(  )56. The girl Gina’s family name is ______

A. Smith          B. Green             C. Miller               D. Brown

(  )57. Where is Gina’s jacket?

A. It is on her bed.           B. It is under her sofa.

C. It is on her desk.          D. It is under the chair.

(  )58. The model plane is ________.

A. Emma’s            B. Tim’s             C. Gina’s              D. Grace’s

(  )59. Where is Gina’s computer game?

A. on her desk      B. on her bed         C. on the sofa       D. I don’t know.

(  )60. According to the article(根据本文), we know _________.

A. Gina’s books are on the table                    B. the keys are on her desk

C. Gina’s sweater is in the room                              D. Gina’s schoolbag is on her desk


1-45每题1分;共45分。 46-60每题2分,共30分。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60



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