






Aa Aa  ________    Jj _______

Ee       Cc        Ee  Gg  ______ Tt ______  Zz

Ii Ii  _______

Uu          Uu  _______

Ff   Ll           ______          Xx  Zz


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 That is ______ key.

A. he   B. I   C. me   D. my

2 –What’s this in English?  -__________.

A. It’s red     B. It’s a pen     C. It’s a green   D. I’m OK.

3 It’s _______ orange.

A. a    B. an     C. the    D. ×

4 My pen is ______.

A. red   B. a red    C. the red   D. red  a

5 –What ______ that? -It’s a map.

A. is     B. are     C.am     D. be

6 -What’s your ______ name?  -Brown.

A. first     B. family     C. nice    D the

7 –What’s his phone number?  -_______ 257-6890.

A. Its    B. That’s     C. It’s    D. His

8 Jack is a boy, ______ last name is Brown.

A. he’s     B. my    C. his    D. he

9 –Are you Linda?   -Yes, _________.

A. I’m     B. I’m not    C. I am    D. I amn’t

10 Hello, My name’s _________.

A. Li  DeHua    B Li  De  Hua    C. Li  Dehua   D.Li  De  hua

11 –Good morning, Miss Gao!  -_________.

A. Good morning, Nick    B. Good afternoon, Nick

C. Good night, Nick      D. Good evening, Nick

12 –Your backpack is nice.   -_____________-.

A. Thank     B. Thanks    C. OK    D. Thanks you

13 Please call me ______ 467-5689.

A. in     B. on      C. at      D. with

14.-_____________?   -P-E-N.

A. Is this your pen    B. Is that a pen    C. What’s this    D. How do you spell pen

15. –What color is your backpack?  -___________.

A. It’s black color    B. It’s a red   C. It’s yellow   D. That’s yellow ones

16. Is that ______ pencil case?

A. I    B. her    C. she    D. he

17. Nine minus(减去) seven is_________.

A. one   B. three     C. four     D.  two

18.Is she your aunt(姑姑)? What’s ______ name?

A. his    B. her    C. she     D.he

19 Two and four is   ________.

A. five     B. six    C. seven   D. eight

20 Is this ______ eraser?

A. a    B. an     C.the     D. /

五. 按括号内所给要求写出适当形式 (10分)

1. white ___________ (反义词)      2. color(n.)_________ (动词形式)

3. boy ____________ (对应词)      4. I am ___________(缩写形式)

5. father __________ (对应词)      6. telephone           (简写形式)

7. this             (对应词)      8.中国中央电视台          (首字母缩略词)

9. last name         (同义短语)10.orange(n.)           (形容词形式)


1. This is        (她的)pencil case.

2. Is this your _________(手表)?

3. How do you spell “dictionary”,         (请)?

4. His _______(家)name is Green.

5. It is my ______(被子).

七、用am, is或are填空(每空1分,共10分)

1. She ________ a teacher. He ________ a teacher,too.

2. I ___________ a boy. My name _________ Li Ming.

3. He __________Tony. You ____________a student.

4. —How __________ you?  —I __________fine,thanks.

5. —What __________ this?—It __________ a ruler.


1. It is a dictionary. (划线提问)

______ this in _________?

2. This is my pen. (一般疑问句)

_______ this ________ pen?

3. Is that a pencil? (否定回答)

______, it  ________.

4. Please call Jim. His telephone number is 56897423. (合为一句)

Please ______ Jim ______ 56897423.

5. The book is red. (对划线部分提问)

_____ ______ is the book?


I. A: Hello! What’s your name?

B: My1)_____   _ Jack Green.

A: 2)______    Lucy Smiths. 3)_____      are you?

B: I’m fine, thanks.  And you?

A: I’m fine too. And this is my sister, Lily.

B: 4)____          to meet you

A: Nice to meet you, 5)_____     .

II. A: 6)_______ me, what’s this 7)      English?

B: It’s a 8)       .

A: 9)______ it, please?

B: D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.

A: 10)         you very much.

B:It’s my pleasure.



Is this your _____? Yes._____ is.


What’s that? It’s a _____ of ______.


Is your _____ _____Wang?


_____do you _____ the word watch?


Tom’s English book is in the_____ and _______ case.


I’m Tom. This is a pencil case. It’s orange. It’s my pencil case. What’s in the pencil case? A ruler is in the pencil case. It is my ruler. The ruler is blue and red. That is a pencil. It is black and white. It isn’t my pencil. Look! That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil. That boy is Tim. I found(发现) his green pen in the pencil case. I call Tim at 7890003. It is his telephone number.

(   ) 1. What color is the pencil case?

A. It’s orange.    B. It’s blue and red.    C. It’s green.

(   )2. I am Tom. That is not my_________.

A. pencil    B. pencil case    C. ruler

(   )3. ________ has (有) a pencil.

A. Tom    B. Lucy     C. Tim

(   )4. _______ found the pen in the lost and found case.

A. Tom     B. Lucy       C. Tim

(   )5. Is Tim’s (蒂姆的)telephone number 7890003?

A. Yes.     B. No.     C. OK.


Name: Linda Black

First name: Linda

Last name: Black

Telephone number:153-3685







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