




1. My uncle is a _______       (医生) in that hospital.

2. We’re __________________.(同班同学)。

3.This is a _______________( 照片) of family.

4. ----Don’t be late_____________(再次,又). ----Sorry, I won’t.

5. Close your books and look at the _______________(黑板).

6. I have a pair(双)of red _____________.  (鞋子).

7.How many __________________(student)are there in y our sc hool?

8. There is a ___________________(read)room in our school, we often read books in it

9. _____________(read)the new words after me, please!

10 Some ___________(woman) like traditional (传统的) clothes.

八、 句型转换。(5分)

1、There are some people in the bookshop. (改为一般疑问句)

____________________ any people in the bookshop?

2、There are  three  girls in the room.→(就划线部分提问)

__________________girls are there in the room?

3. They are from England. (否定句)

They _________________ from  England.

4. My father is a worker.(对画线部分提问)

______________________ your father?

5. Peter is twelve.(对画线部分提问)

______________________ is Peter?

九、短文首字母填空: (5分)

This is our c   1    . The doors and windows are all clean. The floor is also very clean. There are twenty  d___2______ and forty  chairs  in it. On the wall there is a blackboard and some p   3   .  On the teacher’s desk, there are some flowers(花). They are f   4    our English teacher, Miss Gao. She is very nice . She loves u__5____ and we love her, too


1___________ 2______________ 3______________4________________5____________



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