



Good morning,everyone!I __31__ a boy.__32__ Frank. Look.This is a __33__.It's a nice quilt.What __34_ is it?__35__ yellow and white.And__36__ this in English?It's__37__.It 's__38__ jacket.That's a ruler.__39__ ruler is__40__.

(  )31.A.am   B.is     C.are

(  )32.A.It's    B.I'm    C.This is

(  )33.A.map   B.ruler   C.quilt

(  )34.A.color  B.this   C.quilt

(  )35.A.Is   B.It    C.It's

(  )36.A.How   B.What's   C.What

(  )37.A. jacket  B.a jacket  C.the jacket

(  )38.A.orange B.a orange  C.an orange

(  )39. A.The   B. A      C./

(  )40.A.Blue   B. a blue   C. blue



Hello! I`m Tony Green . My telephone number is five five seven four one zero two ,and my school ID card number is two six five nine .This is my English book ,it’s blue ,I like it very  much(非常).

(     )  41.My first name is __________________

A .Tony         B. Green        C. Tony Green

(     )  42.What color is my English book ?

It`s ___ _______________

A.  a blue       B. bl ue        C. a blue book

(     )  43.What`s my telephone number ?

It`s __________________.

A. 557-4012     B.554-7102      C . 5574102

(     )   44.What`s my school ID card number ?

It`s   __________________ .

A .6529           B. 2659         C. 5629

(     )  45.I am  _____________ .

A . a girl          B. a  boy         C. green


My name is Jenny Green.My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672.

I’m Dale Miller and my fiend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number  is 358-6344.

My name is Mary Brown.My friend is in China.Her name is Zhang Mingming.

My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.

(    )46. _________ phone number is 232-4672.

A.Jenny’ s        B. Gina’s          C. Dale’s

(    ) 47.Dale’s friend is ___________.

A.Eric            B.Mary              C.Gina

(    ) 48.Eric’s telephone number is ___________.

A.357-5689        B.358-6344          C.257-8900

(    ) 49.__________ friend is in China.

A.Jenny’s        B.Dale’s           C.Mary’s

(     ) 50.929-3155 is ___________ phone number .

Mary’s         B.Zhang Mingming’s    C.Gina’s



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